Learning the
Cyrillic Alphabet

Useful links

Study Bulgarian.com

Study Bulgarian.com uses a variety of methods to teach you the Cyrillic alphabet. It uses sentences to show you the proununciation of each letter being used for real, it also uses concise tables to show you which letters are categorised by vowels and consonants. If you are interested in visitng Study Bulgarian.com then simply click here.

Bulgarian language.org

Bulgarian language.org is dedicated to helping you speak and translate some basic Bulgarian phrases, the in which they start this process is by teaching you a basic overview of the Cyrillic alphabet. Once you have completed the overview of the alphabet you can then start to learn the phrases.

If you are looking at the learning the Bulgarian language as well as the Cyrillic alphabet, I recommend that you start by visiting this site. If you wish to visit this site simply click here.

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